01 Aug MediProtect – Siobhan’s struggles spark clever Kiwi invention to help Kidney Kids
Raising a Kidney Kid has many challenges, but one Kiwi mum has invented a clever product to make life a little easier.
As a mum of a Kidney Kid, Siobhan Richards was used to her son’s catheter leaking and often spending hours washing sheets and cleaning to prevent infections. Siobhan realised she could transform not just her own life but the lives of many others enduring similar battles. This is when ‘MediProtect’ was born.
Previously named ‘Home of Huggles’, Siobhan sought inspiration for her business within her own family. Her son Jakob was born with a single kidney and struggled with severe vesicoureteral reflux, leaving him dependent on a mitrofonoff catheter. While significantly improving his life, the catheter was prone to leaking, leaving Jakob’s bed wet and badly stained. Mum Siobhan, fed up with the all too frequent leaks and the constant washing loads, sought to find a solution to make life a little bit easier.
“I had a normal mattress protector on Jakob’s bed but found it very frustrating being a busy mom and having to wash the mattress protector multiple times a week. They can take a long time to dry, even with a tumble dryer. This often meant putting down layers of other blankets, towels, and sheets to protect the mattress. On some occasions even this was not enough, and I would then also need to deal with a urine-stained bed – I thought to myself, there must be an easier way.”
“My AHA! moment was when we were staying in Starship and Jakob spilled water in the hospital bed. The nurse came in, removed the sheets and gave the bed a quick wipe before replacing the sheets. I immediately recruited my mum as a seamstress and went hunting for the best medical grade textiles. Honestly, it has been a life changer for me,” says Siobhan.
After few weeks of testing, Siobhan and her mum realised they were on to something which could transform the lives of other families in similar circumstances.
Expanding to include a small range of protective products, MediProtect uses a specialised barrier textile which is designed for medical and acute settings. The barrier textile is similar to that used to cover hospital beds, so it is waterproof, resistant to blood, urine, fats, and oils. Gentle to the touch and with a multidirectional stretch, it is also antimicrobial, antifungal, and effective against Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA). Most importantly, it is discreet and doesn’t make crinkly noises.
“Now, if there is a leak, all I need to do is remove the sheets, spotclean the Mediprotect fitted protector, wipe it dry, and put new sheets on. It takes hardly any time, has reduced my washing load and generally made my life so much easier.”
“Trying to clean urine out of a mattress is a massive amount of work which no doubt is a frustration for many Kidney Kids’ parents. I have found that a sheet itself has sufficient absorbency for us but appreciate that some children may need an extra layer of an absorbent fabric.
Jakob is now 9 years old. “We are so grateful to have reached a stage where we can live relatively normal lives and keep his reflux under control. We take it day by day and still have a journey ahead of us but am so proud of the amazing kid he is.”
With every sale Siobhan makes, a generous donation is made to Kidney Kids which we are incredible grateful for.
MediProtect products are available for purchase online here: www.mediprotect.co.nz
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